拍攝者 JOSHUA LOTT/REUTERS 2012年12月15日 上午10:52
Andrew Jacobs (L) prays as his twin brother Matthew Jacobs (C) looks on outside Saint Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church near Sandy Hook Elementary School, where a gunman opened fire on school ... 較多 
Andrew Jacobs (L) prays as his twin brother Matthew Jacobs (C) looks on outside Saint Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church near Sandy Hook Elementary School, where a gunman opened fire on school children and staff in Newtown, Connecticut December 14, 2012. A heavily armed gunman opened fire on school children and staff at a Connecticut elementary school on Friday, killing at least 28 people, including 20 children, in the latest in a series of shooting rampages that have tormented the United States this year. REUTERS/Joshua Lott (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME LAW EDUCATION) 較少 
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